Case Studies
An Innovative Approach to Remote Gas Monitoring in Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing
AmplifyBio enhanced their gas monitoring capabilities with Elemental Machines' remote monitoring solution, ensuring efficient and timely gas management in their Manufacturing Enablement Center. Download this case study to learn more about this innovative approach.
Alerting and Monitoring of Valuable Assets
LabCentral uses the Elemental Machines systems for facility-wide monitoring.
AOBiome saves valuable samples from power outage
Battery powered alerting and monitoring platform works even when the power is out.
Environmental Monitoring in a Vivarium
LA Biomed, an animal research facility, implemented IoT monitoring for regulatory requirements.
Mid-size Pharma Company Switches to Elemental Machines
Small sensor size and easy deployment caused this company to switch to Elemental Machines.
Therapeutic company enjoys peace of mind
Inzen Therapeutics values the Elemental Machines platform for its simplicity, ease of use, and reliability.
Calibration laboratory saves time and money
Essco Calibration Laboratory chose Elemental Machines to save time and ensure accurate data collection.
A Blood Plasma Company uses Elemental Machines for reliable alerting and monitoring during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Biotech company leverages Elemental Machines usage data to reallocate $200K in the lab
Arbor Biotechnologies made data-driven CapEx and OpEx decisions to optimize lab efficiency with the help of Elemental Machines' Usage Solution.